Beck's typewriter and office machine museum in Pfäffikon ZH, Switzerland Beck's typewriter and office machine museum in Pfäffikon ZH, Switzerland
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Sholes & Glidden - 1874
Crandall - 1886
Columbia Index Mod. 1 - 1884
Salter Mod. 5 - 1892
Lambert - 1896
Edelmann - 1897
Diskret - 1898
Mignon Mod. 2 Rot - 1902
Darling - 1911
Virotyp - 1914
Columbia Index Mod. 1 - 1884

Columbia Index Mod. 1 - 1884

Made in USA.
Constructing engineer: Charles Spiro, New York.
Manufacturer: Columbia Mfg. Co., New York.
The Columbia was introduced in 1885, and has taken a number of medals for general portability and adaptability. It was made in two styles, the No. 1 having forty-four characters and writing capital letters and figures only, the No. 2 having seventy-two characters, including upper and lower case letters, numerals, etc. It consists of a wooden base nine inches long, three and a half inches wide, and the height of the machine is about seven inches. Mounted on a suitable standard are two wheels, one of which is perpendicular, and the other horizontal. The two are connected by cogged teeth.
The perpendicular wheel carries the type on its periphery, and is revolved by means of a knob until an index hand on the face of the horizontal wheel points to the letter it is desired to print. A downward pressure on the knob causes the impression to be effected. The Columbia gives a differential or "proportionate" spacing, and prints direct from the type, which derives the ink from a small moving ink pad. The Columbia is undoubtedly the best of this class of index machines.